La conférence « Tout sur la nationalité belge » a été donnée à nos adhérents par Me Verbrouck pour en apprendre plus sur la procédure de naturalisation, l’interruption de résidence…
Pour cette conférence très instructive sur la nationalité belge, nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement Me Verbrouck, avocate associée chez Altea.
Créé en 2012 à l’initiative des avocats Michel Kaiser, Céline Verbrouck, Emmanuel Gourdin et Catherine de Bouyalski, tous quatre agréées par l’Ordre des avocats comme spécialistes en leurs domaines respectifs, chaque avocat du cabinet Altea offre un service de pointe dédié au droit public, constitutionnel et administratif, au droit des étrangers, au droit de la nationalité belge et au droit international privé familial.
La quinzaine d’avocats qui composent l’association Altea à Bruxelles se sont naturellement regroupés autour de leurs spécialisations complémentaires mais surtout de leur volonté dynamique de partager des valeurs en lien avec les domaines du droit pratiqués, dont l’élément commun est la défense des droits de l’homme et du citoyen.
La qualité des services prestés par chaque avocat de l’association implique la maîtrise des procédures administratives et judiciaires, y compris au niveau international et l’aptitude à offrir les conseils juridiques et stratégiques les plus pointus dans les matières pratiquées.
Dans ses domaines d’expertise, un avocat d’Altea défend au mieux les intérêts d’une clientèle mixte de particuliers, de pouvoirs publics, d’associations ou d’entreprises. Le cabinet se caractérise ainsi par la mise à disposition de services professionnels hautement qualifiés à tout type de clientèle et insiste sur son accessibilité.
Vous pouvez consulter les slides de la conférence sur la nationalité, donnée par Me Verbrouck, ici. Si vous êtes intéressé.e ou si vous avez une question à propos de la nationalité belge, n’hésitez pas à contacter Me Verbrouck pour une consultation.
This could justify an intervention from a lawyer, to force the municipality to respect the law.
This situation should be deeply analysed. If the person is UE citizen, came back at least once each 2 years in Belgium, has during this period a special ID card in Belgium or a registration in Belgium at the municipality, if it’s may be possible not to show in the file the fact of having lived abroad… it could be trying (we succeed once with a client in such a situation).
If you choose the short way (5years) you will then be exempted of the requirement of the economic participation if your child is under 18 y. Pay attention to the correct legal basis (art 12bis, § 1er, 3°) !
No difference. The rules are the same.
Yes. For the moment, it is accepted in French in Brussel, and in Wallonia as well. But the practice is uncertain for the future.
Should be a “legal stay” as well (but the current practice of some prosecutor to accept Special ID car should play – the explanations during the conference regarding the legal stay are valid here also). And there are a lot of possibilities to argue in favour or the legal stay for a child if the parents had a residence permit (even a special ID card), a fortiori if one of them is UE citizen.
You have the choice!
First, the Municipality has to change the card!
Then, the explanations of the conference are valid for this situation too.
No. But do not take the risk of provoking a negative emotional reaction (adding this information in the file) if you already have a problem with a special card or working for the institutions in your file.
In Brussel, it is better to apply in French for the moment. It’s less risky to apply in Wallonia and Brussel than in Flanders for the moment. Brussel centre ( 1000 and 1020) has a very bad reputation with long delay to registered foreigner in the population register or to have appointment.
Don’t hesitate to contact the chief of the service directly. The application can only be done in person according to the law, and via the municipality. This situation could be a reason to contact a lawyer to try to accelerate the process in case of an urgent matter.
Yes. Even more! There is no limit.
If you do not lose your European citizenship, Belgian nationality allows, in addition to the full right to vote, some small advantages in terms of social security. In practice, the inscription in a school /university or the access to a job can be easier. Furthermore, having another passport can make it easier to travel to countries where your other citizenship could be a risk. If you are ever in difficulty abroad, you can turn to two states for consular or diplomatic support. And since Belgians will one day be world football champions, you will be very happy!
Article 69 Staff Regulations.
The expatriation allowance shall be equal to 16 % of the total of the basic salary, household allowance and dependent child allowance to which the official is entitled. The expatriation allowance shall be not less than EUR 567,38 per month.
Annex VII Staff Regulations – art. 4
An expatriation allowance equal to 16 % of the total of the basic salary, household allowance and dependent child allowance paid to the Established Official shall be paid:
- to officials who are not and have never been nationals of the State in whose territory the place where they are employed is situated, and who during the five years ending six months before they entered the service did not habitually reside or carry on their main occupation within the European territory of that State. For the purposes of this provision, circumstances arising from work done for another State or for an international organisation shall not be taken into account;
- to officials who are or have been nationals of the State in whose territory the place where they are employed is situated but who during the ten years ending at the date of their entering the service habitually resided outside the European territory of that State for reasons other than the performance of duties in the service of a State or of an international organisation.
An official who is not and has never been a national of the State in whose territory he is employed and who does not fulfil the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 shall be entitled to a foreign residence allowance equal to one quarter of the expatriation allowance.
For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, an official who has by marriage automatically acquired and cannot renounce the nationality of the State in whose territory he or she is employed shall be treated in the same way as an official covered by the first indent of paragraph 1 (a).