About Union Syndicale Bruxelles

While Union Syndicale goes all the way back to the ’60s, it did not become known as such until just 47 years ago, in 1973.

In 1974, Union Syndicale Brussels threw its weight behind the establishment of Union Syndicale Fédérale, to which it is still affiliated.

Union Syndicale Brussels is the biggest of the organisations affiliated to the Federation. It represents staff from all the European institutions and organisations (except the European Parliament) employed in Brussels, in Representations, in Delegations outside the Union or in some agencies.

Union Syndicale Brussels is the biggest union in the European Public Service.

Through the work of its Executive Committee and Bureau, Union Syndicale Brussels deals with issues of interest to all institutions, and to the European Public Service as a whole. Issues of interest to a single institution are dealt with by «delegating» to an Executive Committee made up of members from the institution concerned.

The objectives Union Syndicale Brussels sets itself and the basic principles underlying all its activities are indistinguishable from those of Union Syndicale Fédérale.

Union Syndicale Brussels has members in many Staff Committees. They are often the majority or part of the majority.


Stop The Move !

08 February 2023|Agencies|

EPISODE N°2 --> END THE REMOVAL OF THE EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Thank you for your participation in the event on the 31 January. We actively continue our mobilisation against this disastrous move proposal. As