About Us

The Audit Board


*The powers and duties of the Audit Board are specified in section XII of the Union Syndicale Bruxelles (USB) Rules of Procedure as follows:

“The Audit Board shall be responsible for regularly auditing the accounts on its own initiative, at least once per year. At the Ordinary General Meeting, it shall report thereon and propose that the Executive Committee be given a discharge.

The Audit Board shall receive any complaint regarding the Executive Committee’s administration of the Union’s treasury and assets.”

*The Audit Board comprises sixx members: three full members and three alternate members. The Board members are appointed by the USB Executive Committee, following elections with the participation of at least eight candidates. These members are elected for two terms of office of the Executive Committee. The mandate of the current Audit Board covers the period 2014-2020.

The USB Executive Committee may propose that the General Assembly elect new members to the Board if, following replacement of resigned members by non-elected candidates, the total number of Board members is fewer than six.


*The members of the Audit Board are:

Francesco Brollo-Reali
Frédéric Domps
Stefan Sapundzhiev
Marie Sprangers

Member of the audit board in 2024 during the review of the 2018-2020 USB financial accounts