Exhibition on Italian Migration


Exhibition on Italian migration organised by members of Union Syndicale Brussels (USB)



The Treaty of Paris, signed on 18 April 1951 by France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands laid the foundations for a united Europe after our countries were torn apart by war. The ECSC was the first international organisation based on supranational principles and was intended, through the establishment of a single market for coal and steel, to support economies, increase employment and raise the average standard of living within the Community.

One of its objectives was to “provide massive support to the European coal and steel industries to enable them to modernise, optimise their production and reduce their costs, while taking responsibility for improving the living conditions of their employees and their redeployment in the event of redundancy”. Prior to this, European countries including France and Belgium had been engaged in the battle of coal to provide energy for their industries and domestic households. This battle, which involved unbridled coal production, was recognized as the basis of the post-war economic miracle. The era of worker mobility had begun, and workers from Italy, Poland, Greece, Germany, Hungary, … were the forerunners of a Europe that wanted to evolve.


Come to the exhibition on Italian migration of COMITES, partly organised by USB members, at the European Parliament in the “ASP3 Distribution area”

open to the public from 27 February to 03 March 2017, opening 1 March 18h00!

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