Invitation « Cancer Support »

USB - Commission

Invitation to the activities “Cancer Support” organised in partnership with USB Commission.

The USB Commission announces its invitation to the already confirmed “Cancer Support” activities that will take place in the first part of the year. There is mainly the programme dedicated to the support of colleagues returning to work after a long absence due to illness. It is designed to provide valuable tools for colleagues who are returning to work after a long absence due to illness. Most of the activities are accessible and could prove useful to a wider audience. Lectures are also offered by psychologist Christine Cornet. Links in the document will allow you to register.

In this second document, Cancer Support Group invites you to take a look at its programme for the first half of 2019 … Lectures, discussion groups, expressive dance cycle, workshops …  It’s up to you to choose and register! Here’s an overview :

  • How do you talk about death with a child?
    All families are confronted one day with the death of a loved one. But talking about death is not easy for an adult, so how do you talk about it with a child? How can these questions be answered? This conference will provide an opportunity to discuss this difficult subject and answer your questions.
  • Accompanying a loved one who has cancer.
    When the disease affects someone close to you, you don’t always know how to react. This creates upheavals for both the person who is ill and those who accompany him/her. This conference will allow you to better understand what a sick person is going through and how best to accompany him or her in this process.

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