USB : the courage of our convictions!

USB - Commission

Thank you for having stood as candidates for USB : whether you’ve been elected or not, you have shown the courage of your convictions and lent your support to your Union.

The election produced a result almost identical to that of 2015 (except for one seat which went from U4U to TAO). This was to be expected, given the current proliferation of lists and the mandatory quorum requirement.

Thus we have held our four seats and a high level of representation (pending the results of the CLP “Hors Union”, where we expect 20%). We take pride also in the fact that he led a consistently moderate, non-aggressive campaign, in the course of which we managed to communicate our values and aspirations to our colleagues.

The campaign is over, but our work isn’t. For those among you have been elected as representatives (some for the first time!), this marks an important milestone, the beginning of a new phase that will challenge you to stay true to your ideals, forge agreements and defend the interests of all staff vis-à-vis the administration. Again, USB thank you for showing the courage of your convictions, our convictions !

And for the others, it’s not the end of the journey. USB needs all the energy and talent you are able to contribute, be it by volunteering to sit on committees, advising and supporting colleagues in difficulties, or assisting the activities of our Union in other ways.

We will continue to invite you to participate in our Monday meetings as partners, in order to hear your opinions and ask for your support. You can also contact us directly with any issue or initiative that you feel is important. Next April, internal elections will be held for USB’s Executive Committee and other bodies such as the dispute resolution board (Commission de litiges) and the Audit Committee (‘Commission de la revision de comptes’). When that time comes, we would be pleased if you would consider standing as a candidate for one of these fora.

Lastly, the congress of Union Syndicale Fédérale will be held in Bratislava from 30 May to 2 June 2019, at which USB will participate with a delegation of up to 36 colleagues, almost half of them from the Commission. If you wish to participate, please let us know as soon as possible. USB’s Commission section would like to submit to the Executive Board a proposal for a delegation well balanced in terms of gender, statutory category, professional experience and nationality. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with the ins and outs of USB (or USF for that matter) – we will organise preparatory meetings to brief you about the most important issues.

Thank you for your contributions thus far, we hope that you stay on as an active member of the team!

Best regards,

Secretary General

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