Walk Darkness Into Light : Suicide Prevention


The walk Darkness into light will take place in Brussels Parc Cinquantenaire on 12th May at 4.15am.  The Brussels DIL Committee hope you will walk with us to raise awareness for mental health and suicide.

The Darkness Into Light initiative began in 2009, when a bereaved couple in Dublin rose at 4h00 to walk from darkness into the dawn in memory of their son, who had been lost to suicide. The event has grown exponentially since then – from 400 people in Dublin’s Phoenix Park to an event celebrated last year in over 145 towns and cities worldwide, with 180,000 participants. This year will be the first time the Darkness Into Light event is held in Belgium.

Commissioner Phil Hogan is Patron of the Brussels event and he is supported by 14 other Commissioners, making this a truly European event.

“Only together can we break down the walls of solitude and despair that surround suicide and let in the light.” Commissioner Phil Hogan, Launch event, President’s Salon, European Parliament, January 2018

Registration for the first ever 5k walk Darkness into Light  in order to raise awareness about mental health and suicide is now open.  

By signing up for DIL Brussels 2018 you are helping raise funds for Pieta House Ireland and two associations here in Belgium, Centrum ter preventie van zelfdoding and Centre du prévention du suicide, all dealing with mental health and suicide.

Register at  www.darknessintolight.ie

If you cannot attend the DIL Brussels walk but would still like to donate the DIL Brussels bank account details are :

IBAN : BE13 1030 5248 3839


The DIL  committee is in search of volunteers to help during the event.  If you can help please contact the Committee Chairperson, Sarah Ironside (sarah.ironside@ec.europa.eu )

To keep up to date with the event :

Facebook :  Darkness Into Light – Brussels


For any questions : sarah.ironside@ec.europa.eu

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