Hearing of Interpreters: Removal from Platforms?

USB - Commission

The Union Syndicale is very worried about the hearing health problems of our interpreters. For months, we have been closely monitoring developments and how the situation is being managed by the Commission services.

According to the most recent information available, SCIC heads of unit had been questioning interpreters exempted from platforms to inquire about the validity of their medical certificate.

This procedure, initiated by the SCIC Human Resources Correspondent, is allegedly meant to allow the service to better cope with staff shortages.

Nevertheless the information requested is covered by medical confidentiality, hence the above-mentioned procedure was not supposed to be started.

This is as well unacceptable from a human point of view, as it creates additional stress for the colleagues involved, compounding that caused by their condition and the difficulties in obtaining the recognition of their situation by the administration.

Union Syndicale wishes to remind you that we are available to give you support and guidance in this context: if you are facing difficulties, do not hesitate to get in touch using our mailbox (OSP).

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