Search Results for “epo”

Alicante 2023

Proceedings of the Congress Minutes of Opening Session Minutes of 2nd Session Minutes of 3rd and 4th Sessions Minutes of Closing Session Resolution on Digitalisation Resolution on Sustainability Resolution on Internal Trade Union Education Programme Resolution on Health Services and Medical Cost Coverage Resolution on Labour Rights (only in FR)…

Bratislava 2019

15th congress of USF  Strengthen Europe and its Public Service ! A few words from Bernd Loescher, USF President   On behalf of the Federal Committee, I am very pleased to invite our MOs to the 2019 Union Syndicale Fédérale Congress. This page contains important information about different aspects. Please refer to…

Dubrovnik 2015

USF Congress Dubrovnik 2015USF CONGRESS in Dubrovnik, 1-3 May 2015 : DRAFT AGENDA *Session 1 : 1 May, morning (9:30 – 13:00) Opening, welcome Formalities : adoption of agenda, election of presidency bureau, secretariat, scrutineers, etc. Report of the scrutineers Expulsions New members Address by Mr M. Mršić, Croatian Minister of Labour…

The 2023 Appraisal Exercise is Launched

There is something new this year. The Institution decided to modify the report with constant rules (the General Implementing Rules governing the exercise do not change).