The Union Syndicale informs you that:

You may receive a flat-rate allowance equal to the maximum amount of the education allowance, i.e. 316,95€ per month (value at 01.01.2023).  If the child attends a higher education establishment in a country other than the official’s country of employment, the official is entitled to an amount representing twice the school allowance ceiling i.e. 633,90€ per month (value at 01.01.2023).

You are also entitled to this ceiling mentioned above for a child attending a higher education establishment in the same country as the country in which his/her parent is employed, if the school is at more than 50 km from the place of employment and that the official/other servant is entitled to the 16 % expatriation allowance.

Please be aware that attendance of temporary courses or training is not considered as regular full-time attendance in an educational establishment (school within the meaning of Article 3(§1) of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations).

The Heads of Administration consider that the requirement of "regular full-time attendance" at a primary or secondary school or establishment of higher education is satisfied as follows:

·        Automatically - if the pupil or student is given 16 hours of tuition and/or practical work weekly at the education establishment; or,

·        In cases where this number of hours is not reached, only when:

The studies are part of a complete course, i.e. their purpose is recognised by the State, and the pupil or student follows the standard timetable specified for that type of studies.

·        The requirement of “regular” attendance at a primary or secondary school or at an establishment of higher education is satisfied if the attendance of the pupil or student is registered for a period of studies of at least three months and minimum 16h/Week.


Note also that when the benefits cease, the JSIS coverage for children also ceases.  A request for extension of coverage for a maximum of 12 months can be submitted to the settlement office, for children without paid employment or if they are subject to a probationary period to obtain the national social security system.

You need to submit your education declaration each year before 15 November.

Go to your Sysper – Menu – My File – Rights and Privileges – Declarations

For more information, click here 

For the colleagues outside union, click here 


The Executive Committee

Union Syndicale Bruxelles