Harassment: a scourge that affects even the European institutions
Harassment in the workplace is not a recent concept, a vanished evil that is resurfacing. Harassment has always been present and
Harassment in the workplace is not a recent concept, a vanished evil that is resurfacing. Harassment has always been present and
The Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme (JSIS) and the COVID-19 virus make it urgent for the European Institutions to act and to
On December 12, 2019, a new agreement on telework was signed at the Council. Click this link to read it
Discover here the new flexitime measures in application at Eurocontrol : You were recently informed of the Agency's decision (set
Discover here some of the subjects of the last Flash (December 2019) from the Council : Carrying over annual leave :
Brussels, 14 November 2016 Dear Mr Kongstad, Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) is again deeply shocked about the latest, disproportionate dismissal of
Time to stop the talks: TiSA negotiations must stop ! Newly released Wikileaks documents make it clear that the
'Bahamas leaks' highlight poisoned revolving door between big business and politics High level politicians and corporate leaders across Europe
USF letter to the COCORE of the 8.03.2016 USF thanks the Director General of the JRC for having convened the