In the heart of Helsinki, a significant shift is brewing among the USB colleagues working at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). As the world turns digital, so do our initiatives and ways of engagement. This step forward was evident in our recent online meet-up (16 October), an event showcasing our motivation and drive to better connect with our members.

A Virtual Meet-Up with Tangible Outcomes

USB representatives from the Executive Committee recently convened virtually with members from ECHA. The agenda was precise: understanding the landscape and brainstorming on strengthening our ties internally. How can we address better members' requests? How can we magnify our footprint within ECHA? How can we optimise communication for maximal outreach and impact?

Formulating the Focal Point Team

In our pursuit of coordinated work, a focal point team was introduced. This team will be the nexus of our contacts. However, it is vital to note that this team is not a closed circle. It is open and welcoming, inviting anyone interested to contribute and participate in this collective effort.

USF Resolution on EU Agencies

The USF Resolution on EU Agencies , adopted in the previous May during the 16th USF Congress in Alicante, was discussed in-depth. This resolution offers clarity on our roadmap regarding Agencies' challenges and interests.

Communication – The Pillar of Our Growth

It was recognized that effective communication is paramount. Two points stood out: the distribution of the AGORA magazine  and leveraging the power of Union Syndicale's social media channels. The goal is to ensure every member, and every colleague is well-informed and connected.

Moving Forward with Clear Goals

Our united goal is to enhance our influence and visibility within ECHA. A primary objective is to secure a framework agreement with ECHA's management. Essentially, the USB Agencies Section and ECHA members aim for improved communication, knowledge sharing, and safeguarding of colleagues' interests