Every year, Union Syndicale invites you, as the Certification exercise is launched, to attend a training session on this topic followed by a question and answer session. The philosophy of the exercise, the expectations of the administration and the selection panels, and the difficulties to be avoided will be presented by a colleague who has been following these issues closely since Certification began.

The certification exercise 2022-2023 was launched on 16 September; it will allow 50 colleagues to be selected to pass from the category AST to AD, after following rigorous training supplemented by demanding exams.

Union Syndicale has offered a session of free training to better prepare candidates in view of drafting their motivation letter, the screening interview (if your Directorate General uses this procedure) and/or for an interview with the Joint Certification Panel/Committee.

Participants improved their knowledge regarding different stages of the procedure and  received advice on how to prepare interviews and to appear before the panel(s).  The versatility of administrators’ functions was also part of the agenda. The session finished with questions and answers.

You can now click here to listen to the recording of this webinar.