The General Secretariat of the Council provides support to two institutions :

*The Council of the European Union

*The European Council

The Council of the European Union is made up of a representative of each member state at ministerial level who is able to speak for the government of that member state. It is the main decision making and legislative body of the EU but, in many areas, it shares that role with the European Parliament. The presidency of the Council is held by one of the member states in turn for a period of six months.

The ministers are not present on a permanent basis since they have their role in their respective governments, thus continuity is provided for by ambassadors who meet in the Permanent Representatives committee known by its French acronym COREPER. COREPER prepares the decisions of the Council.

The European Council is made up of the Heads of State or Government of the 28 member states. It gives impetuous and direction to the other European institutions. It is presided over by Donald Tusk (with a two and a half year term of office), it meets at least four times a year but, in practice, much more frequently.

Approximately three thousand civil servants and other agents assist the Council of the European Union and the European Council under the authority of the Secretary General.

The Council section of the Union Syndicale Brussels is led by the seven members of the executive committee elected directly by the members in the Council Secretariat.

If you need more information about our actions within the Council, please upload our leaflet in your language :

BG ; CS ; DA ; DE ; EL ; EN ; ES ; ET ; FI ; FR ; GA ; HR ; HU ; IT ; LT ; LV ; MT ; NL ; PL ; PT ; RO ; SK ; SL ; SV.

Tracts Council

* October 2023 US Flash October

* October 2023 (FR only) Agreement on working time, telework and leave

* September 2023 US Flash September

* August 2023 Outcome of negotiations on flexitime

* June 2023 US Flash June

* June 2023 Intermediate update of our remuneration

*May 2023 US Flash May

*March 2023 Carers and careers

*January 2023 US FLASH January EN

*January 2023 Note to the Secretary General

*October 2022 Welcome to Ms Blanchet

*September 2022 An intolerably heavy workload accross the GSC

*September 2022 US Flash info

*August 2022 … AD internal competition

*July 2022 … AD internal competition

*June 2022 … Tract intermediate update

*June 2022 …US Flash June workload

*March 2022 … Ukraine Solidarity Fund

*February 2022 … Record Inflation: what about our salaries?

*January 2022 … US Flash info

*December 2021 … The Method over the years

*December 2021 … US Flash info

*November 2021 … The Method 2021

*October 2021 … US Flash info

*September 2021 … Mobility after the pandemic 

*August 2021 … US Flash info

*May 2021 … US Flash info

*May 2021 … Telework from abroad

*March 2021 … A social, inclusive and greener Council 

*January 2021 … Review of recruitment procedures

*January 2021 … Open letter on teleworking (French)

Tracts Council 2015 – 2020

*December 2020 … US Flash info

*December 2020 … Concordia Information

*November 2020 …  The Method in 2020 : the exception clause

*November 2020 … COVID-19 and our salaries

*November 2020 … Telework from abroad

*Flash September 2020 … US Flash info

*July 2020 … European Summit, thank you all for your work !

*June 2020 … Support for people presenting disabilities

*June 2020 … Amended proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 – Note to the President of Coreper

*May 2020 … Europe and Social Media – Answer from Mr. Charles Michel

*April 2020… Europe and Social Media – Letter to Mr. Charles Michel

*March 2020 – Members party

*Flash January 2019 … US FLASH INFO – Council – January 2019 – EN

*NO to the transfer of powers from the Appointing Authority to the PMO … 20181128 – SGC – CS 18-123 – Lettre ouverte au SG – Note EN CdP-OSP sur SYSPER

*Un pas de plus pour respecter la loi … 20180828 – Conseil – Congé de maladie et congé annuel – FR only !

*Promotions 2018 … 20180712 – Conseil – Tract promotions – EN

*Flash April 2018 … US FLASH INFO – Council – April 2018 – EN

*Flexitime at the Council … 20171219 – Flexitime au Conseil – Tract – EN

*Flexitime at the Council … 20171120 – Flexitime au Conseil – Tract – EN

*Evaluation … Tract Evaluation 2017 10_EN_final

*Flash October 2017 … US FLASH INFO – Conseil – October 2010 – EN

*Flexitime at the Council … 20170908 – Flexitime at the Council – EN

*Election to the Staff Committee of Concilium … 20170227 – Conseil – Elections au CdP – FR only !

*Flexitime at the Council … 20160118 – Flexitime at the Council – FR only !

* Euro Summit July 2015 … Tract Summit July 2015 – EN


EPO : anti-union culture ?

28 June 2016|Uncategorized|

"At the European Patent Office (EPO), a French boss sows the seeds of anti-union culture." The European Patent Office (EPO), the only continental body chaired by France, is in turmoil. Its president, Benoît